Computer Based Training (CBT) / e-learning modules
The EduBuilder helps you to make every training or course within you organisation interactive, this enables you to improve the efficiency and have better control on the trainings that have been taken. It is also possible to link courses to your LMS (like the Eventueel is het mogelijk om de cursussen te koppelen aan uw LMS.
Site Safety Instructions
Site Safety Instruction can increase the safety within an organization by informing both employees and visitors of the dangers, risks and regulations within a site. With the help of the EduBuilder you can create your own site safety instructions including photos, videos and multiple question types. For more information and an example, please
click here
Toolbox meetings are a useful way to improve occupational safety, however a disadvatange is often the paperwork that comes with it. With the EduBuilder you can simply take care of the toolbox meeting documentation. An added benefit is that everything is online available 24 hours a day, which means employees have access to the documents at any time. Also, it is possible to register those present per toolboxmeeting.
One-point lessons / Work instructions
To give employees clear and uncomplicated explanation on how to perform certain activities you can use the EduBuilder to develop one-point lessons and work instructions. This also ensures that all lessons are available 24 hours for your employees.
Linking questions to internal instructions
Would you like to have more certainty that you employees have the knowledge which is needed for the tasks they perform? Besides developing courses and instructions you can use the EduBuilder also to add questions and tests.
Example course of the EduBuilder:

Learn everything about the history of the bicycle in this EduBuilder course (only available in Dutch)